There are no separations of floor, wall, and ceiling here. A place that one thought was a floor becomes a chair, a ceiling, a wall from various positions. The floor levels are relative and spatiality is perceived differently according to one’s position. Here, people are distributed three-dimensionally in the space. This is a place like an amorphous landscape with a new experience of various senses of distances. Inhabitants discover, rather than being prescribed, various functionalities in these convolutions.

This bungalow no longer fits the category of wooden architecture. If wooden architecture is merely something made from wood, then wood itself surpasses the architectural procedures to directly become a “place where people live” in this bungalow. It is of an existence akin to primitive conditions before architecture. Rather than just a new architecture, this is a new origin, a new existence.

All above info and images from http://www.archdaily.com
w02n 2cents:
Absolutely fascinating and interesting small structure (shelter). I think it is awesome to see how smart the architect captured the basic and true Japanese aesthetic conceptual if communicate with nature. The space manupulation by using timber block is impressive. And the detailing of fixing the glass panel to the opening is awesome. Even it would hardly treated as a living house, but it would be a interesting space to escape from the hustle bustle of the working life, and also a nice place to meditate and enjoy the sensuality of the space.
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