The pavilion also houses shops and offices. The pavilion and car park are elements of ongoing improvements to the square, which was pedestrianised in 2001. Over the main car park entrance, the cantilevered south aspect of the pavilion allows natural light to penetrate the two underground levels.

The idea behind the urban proposal was that the pavilion would divide the square in two parts in such a way that you would still have the feeling of being on one big square. Because of the market activities which occupy the entire square twice a week, the terraces of the pavilion needed to be placed above the ground floor.

Rene van Zuuk decided to make the terraces accessible from the outside of the building as well so you can walk from the square up onto the sloped roof to the terraces letting the roof become a public area.

w02n 2cents: Really like the elegance of the curves, and how the process described isn’t some contrived explanation of how the form came to be. The intelligent of terrace creation of the builiding, which inject a new open space typology and man-made hardscape in the centre of the square. Problem solving and urban intervention always the most interesting assignment for the architect to test out their sensitivity on the context and the upgrading on the existing activities. Anyhow, how the architects derived the facade treatment yet to be justified. Would like to see the images where the market activities is held. Nice work executed indeed.
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